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3 min read

What Can A Transportation Management System Do For Your Construction Company?

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First, let’s start with the basics. Transportation Management Systems have been utilized by a variety of industries for a while, transportation management systems utilize technology to help plan, execute, and optimize the movement of goods or materials. In addition to these core benefits, transportation management systems (TMS) can help businesses ensure compliance and provide documentation electronically. The benefits of TMS have been seen in the manufacturing, retail, and distribution industries. Increasingly, the need for viable TMS solutions is felt by the construction industry. There are a few key ways that construction companies can benefit from partnering with a technology company to manage transportation of material.

  • Plan & Execute
  • Find & Manage Hired Hauling
  • Access Data in Real-time


Plan for Upcoming Work Like Never Before

One of the key benefits of Transportation Management Systems is the ability to plan your work and feel confident your trucking needs are met. With TMS tools like TRUX, you can schedule work flexibily 2 or 10+ days in advance, designate how many haulers you need, and the type of trucks that will match the work at hand. Do you need tri-axles, end dumps, truck & transfers, or belly dumps? TRUX can match you with haulers in your area.

The nuances of your jobs mean you need to be confident in any technology you bring on board. With TRUX, you can even designate specific instructions for each job you schedule. Is the jobsite not clearly marked? Need trucks with no pintle hooks for your paving work? Simply mark the details in the instructions and qualified trucks can accept the job. Do you own your own trucks? Dispatch with easy drag and drop technology.


Using Transportation Management Systems to Find & Manage Hired Hauling

Most construction companies have a trusted list of haulers they work with or a broker they turn to when they need dump trucks. Transportation management systems, like TRUX, allow construction transportation companies to continue to work with their favorite hauling companies and get exposure to new companies in their area, all through an app online.

If you saved 5 hours per week of administrative work to find trucks for your jobs, what impact would that make on your bottom line?

Not only can you find dump trucks quickly and easily, you can also manage all trucks on the job - hired and company owned. Communicate instantly with all haulers on the job, with the click of a button using TRUX Bulk Communication tools. Designate your favorite haulers to ensure you can keep track of the most reliable haulers on the job.


Make use of Real-Time Data to See Hired Trucking Costs in Real-Time

With tools like TRUX, you can see hired trucking costs in real-time. By the end of a shift, your team will know their hired trucking costs for the job. You can also review all routes taken by trucks for that day to ensure the most efficient routes were utilized.

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Trucks hired from the TRUX marketplace are also paid weekly by TRUX, we make it easy for your accounting teams by sending over a single invoice each week. This downloadable document can be easily used for job costing. It’s like ADP, but it's a trucking logistics software.


Haulers Love Us Too

There are many Transportation Management Systems out there. TRUX is unique for a number of reasons, the most significant is the haulers that work on our platform. We offer the nation’s largest network of haulers. Plan your work, execute, and analyze all in one dump truck logistics platform.

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